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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

November/December 2010 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

I would like to begin this letter by thanking you for your prayers and for your kind notes this past month. Pastor Rick is recovering nicely and we are giving all of the praise and glory for his full restoration to our Heavenly Father.

It seems that the season of fall, which is truly one of my favorite times of year, came and went before I had the chance to really enjoy the beautiful landscape and the crisp frosty mornings. There were so many things that needed my attention in the ministry, and then my husband had emergency heart surgery just two weeks ago. Fall is the season of reflection and it’s a time to gain a new perspective and take the time to evaluate what we accomplished the past year, establish the goals that we want to reach, and remind ourselves of all the things that God has provided for us. Thanksgiving is a reminder that God has always been faithful. For me, this has always been a time of quiet reflection on the past and a time to focus on the solid and simple things of life that we take for granted. Like our health and the very fact that Jesus HAS redeemed us and delivered us from the entire curse; that “By His stripes we ARE healed”! It’s time for you and me to usher in the sincere spirit of gratitude and praise to our Heavenly Father and what He provided through the gift of His Son.

We’re doing a study of the Last Days events in our church, and one of the things that we have to understand is that we have been sent here from another government to do diplomatic business on behalf of our King. We are here to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth as Ambassadors for God.

In the Book of Matthew chapter 6 and verse 33, it says: “But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all HIS Kingdom and His righteousness, and His way of doing and being right, and THEN all these things taken together will be given to you besides.”(Amplified Bible) One of the strongest attacks of the enemy comes in the area of worry. Both real and imagined worries attack our minds daily as the pressures and stress of these end times press in from every side to try to discourage and defeat us. But Jesus commands us to put worry aside, and He encourages us that we SEE that our heavenly Father has faithfully provided for every need that we have. He assures us that the Father knows what we need even before we ask, so there’s no reason to be concerned. And He goes on to explain to us that there is a higher purpose in seeking those things that are above then just filling our own needs. It will release the blessings of God into our life, and bring us the answers that we need to every situation and problem we face. That’s God’s supernatural intervention on our behalf, and when we do it this way, then our needs will be His Righteousness, and that’s when all these things that you need in life shall be added unto you.”

The Kingdom of God is another reality. It is the very rule and reign of God; it is the government and the system of God, and Jesus told us to pray to the Father, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God throughout the gospels, and He told us that the Kingdom of God is within us. Luke 17:20-21, “And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said: “the Kingdom of God comes NOT with observation; neither shall they say, look here or look there, for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

The Kingdom of God is not some distant place in heaven where we are going “someday”. Jesus said in Luke 10:8-9, “….whatever city you enter…heal the sick that are there and say unto them, “The Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.” In other words, we are bringing the Kingdom with us. But, we’re not here to take sides; we are here to take over.

In the Book of Daniel chapter 2, we see where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, and that dream really disturbed him. Now, he couldn’t remember his dream and he called for all of the magicians and soothsayers, the wizards, and so forth, to come in and tell him what his dream was, and what it meant. But they couldn’t do that…..Verse 12-13, “For this cause the King was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all of the wise men of Babylon……” In other words, it didn’t look good for the men of Babylon, including Daniel and his three friends. But Daniel approached the throne and said, “I can get the answer from God…for I know that My God knows what to do, and He knows the dream that the King had.” Well, Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel some time to seek God, and the Lord revealed to Daniel in a night vision what the dream was and what it meant. In essence, there was a statue in his dream that had a head of gold, arms and chest of silver, the belly and thighs were brass, the legs were of iron, and the feet were part clay and part iron. It represented the different Kingdoms and the different ruler ships in the world. And in that same dream he saw a stone that was cut out without hands, and that stone came and destroyed the statue and broke it to pieces, which became like dust, or chaff in the wind. The stone became a great mountain that came up and filled the entire earth. And the interpretation of that dream is that those different kingdoms and ruler ships of the world become the Kingdom of God. And all of this was prophesized in the Book of Revelation and also in the Book of Isaiah…that God’s Kingdom shall spread throughout the earth. Jesus came to bring the government of God back into the earth to rule over everything. And Daniel’s prophetic vision makes it clear that the Kingdom of God has come to take over the Kingdoms of the world. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are to move forward IN Christ as the stone who increased into a mountain and covered the whole earth. As born again believers, we are ambassadors for God in the earth. We are the church, and the Kingdom of God is IN us. We are to go out into the world and bring the Kingdom of God to those in need of healing and deliverance and salvation. That’s our assignment, and that’s the reason we are to become separate from the world and walk holy before Him.

The gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel that unhooks you and separates you from the world’s system. I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Poland, and Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and Canada.
As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States each week as we stream our services live, and 321 in Nations throughout the world.

Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. The NEW website IS UP and RUNNING! Soon we will have Video streaming.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “Knowing Your Covenant” for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the singe CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

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