Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings.

Click on the "Listen Live" button on our website for audio only or the "Live Video Streaming" button if you prefer live video.

Monday, June 20, 2011

May 2011 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

We are living in an hour when all of creation is waiting for the “manifesting of the sons of God”, when the power of God is seen through the Church. The entire universe is crying out for the climax of the ages and the return of Jesus Christ. And we are here to do business on behalf of our King, Jesus, and as His Ambassadors, we are here to manifest His Kingdom. We’re not here to take sides, we’re here to take over! But we can’t do that as long as we are still infants and toddlers.

The Father wants us to grow up, and if we’re grown up, that means that we are no longer carnal. If we are still carnal that means that we are still subject to the flesh, and God wants us to grow up into a spiritual man and have our flesh take a back seat. That’s when we’ll walk in the fullness of His power and anointing, and do the works of God.

Legally through Jesus Christ, we have inherited all things. Jesus has been appointed heir of all things, and because we have received Him as our Lord and Savior, we are now children of God, so then we are now heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. And the blessings that God has planned for us to enjoy legally belong to us now. Jesus bought and paid for them through His death and resurrection, and satan cannot legally take our inheritance from us. But when we fail to appropriate the promises of God, we are actually handing them over to the enemy.

Galatians 4:1-7, “Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is the master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. Even so we, when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world, but when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father”! Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” Verse 2 tells us that as a young child we were under a tutor or someone who has been placed in a position of teaching and training us until we are ready to take full responsibility. But until that time, even though you are an heir of the entire estate, you are not yet ready to totally take possession with all of the rights and full privileges.

In the Book of Hosea, God spoke through the prophet saying, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” And He was speaking of Israel, but the same truth applies to the church today. Israel was not only destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, but also because they rejected that knowledge and refused to listen to the laws of God and obey them. They were in rebellion! And because of this lack of knowledge that still exists in so many of God’s people today, many have been deceived and act as though there is nothing that can be done about the attacks from the enemy, and somehow they have to accept them and learn how to live with all of the adverse circumstances in their lives. But their eyes have been blinded from seeing their true position of strength and power in Jesus Christ, because they haven’t grown up.

One of the satan’s strategies in this hour is to bring God’s children to a place where they have hardened their hearts against God and against His government, and those He has placed in authority over them. Eventually they are led to a place where they are totally alienated from God. And Paul warns us that satan will lead us, step by step into a deep, dark pit of spiritual darkness, where we are not only alienated from God, but we are unable and unwilling to hear His Voice and we become calloused, disobedient, and totally unrepentant. And this does not happen overnight. It is a gradual progression of steps.

If you remember, Israel refused to hear God’s voice and instead they murmured and complained against God and against Moses. They were filled with unbelief; they didn’t believe that God would do as He had promised and so they rebelled against Him, refusing to obey the charge He had given to them to go in and take possession of the Land. They chose instead to follow after their own will. And as a result of their disobedience and sin against God, they were not allowed to enter into the Promised Land. And the Apostle Paul drew a parallel.

The children of Israel were given covenant promises and an inheritance that was theirs based upon their faithfulness and obedience to God. And just as they had forfeited their inheritance, Paul warned the believers of the possibility of losing their position and inheritance through the sin of unbelief and the hardening of their hearts. Hebrews 3:12-14, “Take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief…lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.” And although Paul wrote this to the early Church, he is actually exhorting you and I to examine our hearts to see if there is any unbelief, because it is through that sin that our hearts become hardened toward God.

The Father wants to build you up. He wants you to go in and possess the land. Every place that the sole of your foot shall thread belongs to you. He expects you to rule it and to govern it; He does not expect the enemy to come in and tell you what to do. He wants you to rise up on the inside so that you will become the master, and as the master, you will no longer fall for the lies of the enemy. When you get strong, you are not weak in any area of your life. You’re “meek” because we are told that the “meek shall inherit the earth”, but being meek does not mean that you are weak.. The definition of meek in the dictionary means: to be patient and mild; not inclined to anger or resentment. It also means that you are teachable.

As Ambassadors of God, we are to advance the Kingdom, and society in general is supposed to reflect our influence, but something has happened. It’s exactly what happened when the children of Israel were coming out of Egypt out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land. They had an identity crisis. Israel BECAME the product of their environment. But we have something they didn’t have in that Jesus prayed that the Father would keep us above all of the evil that is in the world. Israel became a product of their environment, but the Father has provided everything we need to keep us from becoming a product of our environment. We are IN the world but we are NOT OF the world.

When you are grown up in God, you are no longer carnal but have become a spiritually mature man or woman of God, and the devil will no longer be able to pull anything on you that you can’t see first. If you stay up there with God, He’ll show you everything that is coming on this earth. Scripture tells us that “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” And the scripture also tells us, “How can they hear without a preacher?” The body of Christ has been waiting for the shepherds to feed them the right food, because the quality of intake will determine the strength of your output. In other words, as an infant we were told to “desire the sincere milk of the Word”, but as we begin to mature, we now have teeth and we need to be fed meat. The quality of the Word that you take time to put into your heart will determine the strength you walk in. We are called to stand in the gap, not make gaps in the wall. We are supposed to take our place on the wall and do the impossible. But to do that, we have to grow up.

If you would like a complete copy of this 5 part series entitled Growing up in God, ask for CD110510-CD110522. Please allow fifteen days for delivery.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and the Philippians. As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States; 396 are in TEXAS, and the remainder is in other Nations throughout the world.

We are still working on the 24 hour a day Internet radio that will broadcast teachings and Christian music that are prevalent to the hour we live in; that will uplift and encourage you. Prayerfully it will be ready by the end of April. Also, if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Knowing Your Covenant is back on KDKR at 91.3 fm, 92.1 fm, and 97.5 fm on your radio dial at 7:45 every Sunday morning. We are also on KXEG, 1280am on your radio dial, in Phoenix, Arizona at 7:45 a.m. We are also in prayer and making plans for our first mission trip to Africa!

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website for audio only. Or you can click on the “Live Video Streaming” button for the live video for those of you that want to see a live video.

• I would like to receive the complete series on "Growing up in God" for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the single CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

The Word tells us: “If two of you shall agree as touching anything on earth, it will be agreed in heaven.” Please contact us via the website if you are in need of prayer.

June 7 at sundown marks the birth of the Church. It is the Feast of Weeks, or what we know as the Feast of Pentecost, and I will be holding a private conference for the Spiritually Mature Women of God. For information, contact the ministry office at 972-517-1418.

If you would like to hold a conference or seminar in your hometown, or if you would like more information about this ministry or how you can be part of the outreach of this ministry, please contact our office during business hours, Monday through Friday, or go to our website at

April 2011 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

As we prepare to celebrate both the Feast of Passover and the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I would like us to spend a few moments to understand what we are actually celebrating.

Many people believe that the feasts that God instituted were only observances for the children of Israel and are no longer relevant to believers today. But the truth is, they are very significant. They reveal important truths about the relationship God wants us to have with Him today, and His supernatural provision for every area of our lives. The feasts that God established as His feasts reveal to us the manifold blessings He provided for us, and He wants us to keep His feasts, not only through the outward observance and rituals, but by fully recognizing what they represent, and then taking hold of His blessings by faith and appropriating them in our own lives today.

These feasts are what the Bible calls “holy convocations”, which have been established by God Himself. Two very important Hebrew words appear in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 23, and each word is translated as “feast” in the English language. Leviticus 23:1-2, “And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying: ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, concerning the feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be “holy convocations”, even these are My feasts.”

The Hebrew word “miqra” is translated as “convocation” and it means: “a rehearsal”. So, we can see from this that God gave these festivals to be yearly rehearsals of the future events in the plan of our redemption. He gave us these times of rehearsal to teach us about the major events in the redemption of mankind, and if we want to understand those major events, then we need to have an understanding of what God was teaching us BY and THROUGH these rehearsals.

The word “mo’edh” means: an appointment or a fixed time; a fixed season or an appointed time. God Himself delivered Israel from the bondage of slavery and He commanded all of us to observe this “appointed” holy day, the feast of Passover, throughout all generations as a memorial, beginning with Moses and the children of Israel.
God spoke to Moses and told him: “I will use you to bring My people out of the land of Egypt; out of bondage and slavery, and you will be an instrument in My hands to redeem My people and bring them to freedom.” Now, the curse of sin was brought upon mankind through the disobedience of Adam, and there was only one way the curse could be removed. It had to be bought and paid for by the shedding of blood. So God told Moses to take a lamb to be slaughtered. But how could an innocent lamb have anything to do with the deliverance of His people? How could a lamb provide the necessary strength? But God said: “….that the lamb shall be their means of escape… And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses; ….the blood shall be to you for a “token” upon the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you…”

It was not just in the killing of the lamb, but in the shedding of the blood that is a parallel of The Blood that would one day flow on the Cross at Calvary. They were to kill that lamb at sundown right in the doorway of their home. The blood was to drain into a basin, and then they were to take the blood of the lamb and cover all of the doorposts on the three sides with it. So, the entire doorway to their home was covered in that shed blood. And God told Moses that the blood was to be a sign to Him, that when the death angel brought destruction, He would pass over the homes with the blood coverings. That blood provided their protection and their escape from death, and would also provide their victory! That innocent lamb became their substitute, making it possible for the Lord’s judgment to pass over them, and so it was that God Himself instituted the Passover as “A night of solemn observance to the Lord for bringing them out of the land of Egypt.”

On the night before Jesus was to lay down His own life for the sins of the world, He celebrated the Feast of Passover with His own disciples. When the day had come that the sacrificial lamb was to be killed, He sent Peter and John to make preparation for them to celebrate that appointed time together, and the disciples did as Jesus had instructed them to do and prepared the Passover meal (Luke 22). When everything was prepared and they were seated around the table, Jesus, KNOWING in a few hours HE would suffer and die, told them, “I have earnestly and intensely desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer….”(Luke 22:15) And as they were eating, Jesus took the bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to His disciples saying: “This is My body which is given for you; this DO in remembrance of Me.” And then He took the cup in His hands and said, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is My blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26) Luke 22 says; “This cup is the New Testament in My blood which is shed for you.”

What a glorious moment it was as they celebrated this Passover meal. There in that Upper Room, as He was preparing to lay down His life and to give Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, and shed His own blood, He was celebrating this “appointed” festival and Covenant meal with His disciples. This would mark the end of the Old Covenant and the establishment of a New and better Covenant with God. This was the hour that God had ordained from the foundation of the world! This was the day that HE would enter into a blood covenant relationship with man, and it would be sealed with the Blood of His only Begotten Son. In just a few hours Jesus Himself would become that spotless sacrificial Lamb, Who was slain to take away the sins of the entire world. He would be that ONE perfect sacrifice that would be offered on the Altar of Almighty God! The following day He would become the sacrificial offering; “The Lamb of God” without spot or blemish. Can you imagine the emotion that welled up inside of Jesus as HE ate the flesh of that lamb? That lamb signified His own sacrificial death. And He drank of the fruit of the vine that represented His own blood. Through His death, Jesus fulfilled the Passover Feasts. As the sacrificial Lamb of God was slain, His blood was shed for the remission of OUR sins.

This was the hour for which He had waited when the purpose of His coming to the earth would be fulfilled. Hebrews 10:5-7, “Sacrifices and offerings You have not desired, but instead You have made ready a body for Me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings You have taken no delight;….Lo, here I Am come to do Your Will, O God, to fulfill what is written of Me in the Volume of the Book.”

Isaiah 53:7, tells us that: “He was oppressed, and He was afflicted, yet He opened NOT His mouth; He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He opened NOT His mouth.” As we celebrate Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday right up until Resurrection Sunday, I want you to realize that this is OUR celebration! And the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the very day that changed the course of history; this is the day that left its mark on all of eternity! And this is the day of all days! Glory to God!

The blood of the sacrificial Passover lamb applied to the doorposts, kept the children of Israel safe from the destroying angel of death and was the means that God used to deliver them out of Egyptian bondage. The Blood of Christ that was shed on the cross, when it is applied to your life, cleanses you from sin and has the power to completely destroy every bondage of satan. The blood of Jesus is the basis for your release, and you are no longer a slave to sin, because you are a child of God. Throughout His death, Jesus fulfilled the Passover feast, and as the sacrificial Lamb of God was slain, His blood was shed for the remission of our sins.

If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and the Philippians. As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States; 396 are in TEXAS, and the remainder is in other Nations throughout the world.

We are still working on the 24 hour a day Internet radio that will broadcast teachings and Christian music that are prevalent to the hour we live in; that will uplift and encourage you. Prayerfully it will be ready by the end of April. Also, if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Knowing Your Covenant is back on KDKR at 91.3 fm, 92.1 fm, and 97.5 fm on your radio dial at 7:45 every Sunday morning. We will also be on KXEG, 1280am on your radio dial, in Phoenix, Arizona beginning May 1, 2011 at 7:45 a.m.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website for audio only. Or you can click on the “Live Video Streaming” button for the live video for those of you that want to see a live video. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “Righteousness” for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the single CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

The Word tells us: “If two of you shall agree as touching anything on earth, it will be agreed in heaven.” Please contact us via the website if you need prayer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

February 2011 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

Last month we talked about the Kingdom of God, and that His Kingdom HAS come. His Kingdom is inside of you and me, and our assignment from the Father is to bring the principles of this Kingdom to the world. But the love factor is something that we really need to give our attention to because if we want to go higher with God, we have to go higher in Love. And you’ll have lots of opportunity NOT to love, but you and I cannot advance the Kingdom unless we walk in the Love of God and obey the commandment that Jesus gave us. And when those opportunities come to get out of the Love walk, just step to the side and check yourself, and then bring yourself right back in step with the Love of God. Because everything in the Kingdom of God hangs on that Commandment that Jesus gave us.

Matthew 22:37-40, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and GREAT commandment. And the second is like unto it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these TWO commandments hang ALL of the Law and ALL of the Prophets.”

We’re not talking about what the world calls “love”, we’re talking about the Love of God. The Agape Love of the Father, and it’s not a “feeling”, it is a CHOICE. Just like the choice we make to live an honorable clean life, and to walk in integrity and truth.

2 Timothy 2:20-22 tells us that, “In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth, and some to honor and some to dishonor…if a MAN purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor; sanctified and meet for the master’s use and prepared for every good work…”

This scripture tells us that we are to purge ourselves. God’s house is a large house and there are both the vessels of honor and those that are vessels of dishonor, but get it straight right now, GOD wants everyone to be a vessel of honor! And you are the one who makes that choice!!!

I want to talk to you for the next few minutes about the justice of the Father that has in fact COME on this earth. If you get into the Bible and work your way through it, you’ll find that God’s justice begins in the Book of Genesis all the way through the end of Revelation. Even to the point where Abraham was talking to God and asked if the God of all the earth would “DO RIGHT.” He was talking to Him about the condition of Sodom and Gomorrah and all that was going on in that mess. The Word of God contains the very justice coming on the earth from Almighty God. And I had no idea that this Bible spoke so much about His justice until I began doing a study on this subject.

In the Book of Isaiah 9:6-7, the prophet speaks about God’s justice coming on this earth: “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father (of Eternity), Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with JUSTICE, and with righteousness……even forevermore……” (Amplified)

This is a key ingredient for the Kingdom manifestation on the earth in these final moments. The Kingdom of God is the Government of God and it is the rule and the reign of God. We’re talking about the realm above this realm. It is a supernatural realm, and although it is invisible to the natural physical eye, it is very real. It is another reality and Jesus Himself preached on it. And my brothers and sisters, everybody in this world is looking for it. People want the “supernatural” and they look for it everywhere. They’re looking for peace, prosperity, health, and safety. They’re looking for a place where they can have peace and joy in their lives, and what they’re looking for is the very Kingdom of God.

We’re talking about a heavenly reality. And when Jesus came, He preached about the gospel of the Kingdom and said, “…the Kingdom of God is not in meat and drink, but in righteousness and peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost.” People from all over the world are trying to get into the United States; they’re trying to immigrate here because they want that peace and joy, and they’ve heard that the United States is the land of opportunity, and it is!

So, the Kingdom of God is God’s government bringing that reality into the earth. And when we received Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we not only became a member of God’s family, born again INTO that Kingdom, but the Kingdom itself became a part of us, and we are to go out into the world and establish His Kingdom on the earth.

Do you remember when Jesus told Nicodemous, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” And Nicodemus said, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born? And Jesus said, “Except a man be born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh IS flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” In the original Greek that scriptures says, “You must be born from above.” So there is another reality that exists. And our assignment as ambassadors for Christ is to bring this Kingdom reality to the earth and make this earth just like it is in heaven.

The Kingdom of God has come, and if you are born again, this Kingdom is set up in your heart (your spirit man) and will manifest in your life through the blessing. And the blessing is powerful enough to change anything in your life that has been destroyed and turn it around. You can reverse the curse that you have in your life right now by getting to the place where the Kingdom of God is truly a reality in your own life. But there are certain things we have to do. One of those things is to make the decision to die to self! To know Christ in the power of His resurrection, we absolutely must know Him in the fellowship of His suffering and be willing to be conformed unto His death.

But there are few Christians who truly know what it means to die to self, and even fewer who have actually experienced that. And that’s one reason why there is such a severe lack of power in so many of our churches today. Most Christians are not willing to put their flesh down. To be truly dead to self and walk with Christ in obedience to God’s Will and to be united with Him, you must be willing to give up all claims to your life. Every day you must be willing to deny SELF and to take up God’s Will for your life.

If you want to know Him in the power of His resurrection, and if you want a full demonstration of the power of God in your own life, you must be willing to die to self and walk that road to Calvary with Him; to walk that road of obedience to God’s will and that you no longer have any rights or desire of your own. And the driving force behind all of your thoughts and actions must be in knowing and then DOING the Will of God.

If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and the Philippians. As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States; 396 are in TEXAS, and the remainder is in other Nations throughout the world.

We have a brand new feature that will be up and running, prayerfully, before the end of February…..a 24 hour a day Internet radio that will broadcast teachings and Christian music that are prevalent to the hour we live in; that will uplift and encourage you. And if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Knowing Your Covenant is back on KDKR at 91.3 fm, 92.1 fm, and 97.5 fm on your radio dial at 7:45 every Sunday morning.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “The Kingdom”for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the single CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

Our Sunday morning services are now at the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Allen, TX. The address is 1220 N. Central Expwy. We are also streaming the audio for all those who are part of this ministry via the Internet. Praise the Lord! Tell someone to listen in or invite someone to join us for fellowship and service.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

January 2011 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

Shalom and Happy 2011!! I pray that you had a very merry and blessed Christmas and I’m believing with you for a prosperous, joyous and peaceful new year. Last year is over so be done with it, good or bad. The past has passed, and it’s a new year closer to our Lord’s return!

We’re living in an hour when the world, and the things IN the world are dark and there seems to be no peace. In fact, we are truly living in the final moments of what the Bible calls the Last Days. The people in the world, who are without Covenant with God, are earnestly and diligently seeking peace. They look for it everywhere; in relationships, in drinking, in drugs, in shopping and over-spending, all in an attempt to fill the void and bring them peace. Most people spend their entire lives working and striving to obtain the very best that this world has to offer. But no matter how much they have, they’re never satisfied and they continually want more or something better.

One of the greatest attacks by the enemy in the battles we face in our mind is in the area of worry. Both the real and the imagined worries attack our minds on a daily basis as the pressures and the stress of these end times press in on us from all sides in an attempt to discourage us and take our eyes off of the Word and the promises of God. And if you’re like most Christians today, you spend hour after hour and day after day worrying about your finances, and how you will pay your bills, how you will be able to make your house payment or your rent; how you will be able to buy food and clothing and the other necessities of life. But God wants you free and delivered from those worries and those cares. He wants you to walk in victory where there is absolutely no room for worry or doubt because you know that God will supernaturally provide for all your needs. In fact, in the Book of Matthew chapter 6, Jesus commands us to lay aside all worry. Matthew 6:31, “…..take no thought saying what shall I eat, or what shall I drink, or how will I be clothed?......Verse 33, “But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” The Amplified Bible puts it this ways: “But seek, aim at and strive after first of all HIS Kingdom and His righteousness; His way of doing and being right, and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” And that’s quite a promise!

Jesus told us in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, kill and to destroy, but I have come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” I believe that one way the enemy tries to steal our joy and our peace is by trying to get our minds off of Jesus and then onto the problems and the pressures in the world. Satan knows that if we keep our eyes on Jesus that we’ll realize that He has already defeated the enemy, so he continues to do everything he can to keep our eyes on the problems and the cares of our life, and not on the answer. I’m telling you today that no matter what you might be facing, if you’ll look to Jesus, HE IS the answer and HE IS your peace. The Hebrew word for peace is Shalom, which literally means: nothing missing and nothing broken. And that’s God’s desire for each one of us, that we have His peace in our lives. Do you remember the words of our Savior when He said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you, not as the world….let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

“Arise shine, for thy light is come, and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold, the DARKNESS shall cover the earth, and GROSS darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His Glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Isaiah 60:1-2)

When Jesus was born, the Father looked 33 years down the road at how Jesus would die and rise again to bring us freedom and salvation, so He said, “I’ll just declare peace on earth NOW! And when the shepherds were living out in the fields “keeping watch” over their flock of sheep, an angel of the Lord brought them the Good News and Tidings of GREAT JOY! Luke 2:14, “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, PEACE, goodwill toward man.” Peace from God to you and to me! If you have made Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior, His Glory should be seen on you because you are part of His Kingdom and no matter where we go in this world, we bring His Kingdom and the provisions of His Kingdom with us.

God has always planned for you and I to enjoy perfect peace, and He sent Jesus, Who is our peace! He didn’t just bring the message about peace. He is the Prince of peace, and He is the only real source of peace in our lives. When Satan entered the Garden of Eden he brought with him sin, sickness, death. poverty, hatred, rebellion, and fear. When Adam and Eve fell, Satan gained the power over mankind and we were separated from God and in dire need of a Savior. And Praise God, the Father sent Jesus into the earth. Our Savior HAS come! He was born to set us free. John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” And then the scripture in 1 John 3:8, “…for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

Jesus Christ is our Savior! He has delivered you from anything the enemy tries to throw in your direction, and it does not matter how hard or how difficult things get in your own life, or what you might be faced with, if Jesus is your Savior, then He is a friend Who sticks closer than a brother. Jesus told us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you; I Am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” And He is the greatest example we have of a life that was dedicated to the work of the Kingdom of God.

As a soldier in God’s great end-time army, you absolutely must know that there are no victories without battles. The Word tells us, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of all of them." You won’t sail through life without facing times of pressure, but we have a promise from God that He will never leave us in that condition. We are to look to Jesus Who is our example of someone who was dedicated to the work of the Kingdom, and I believe that we can’t even begin to comprehend the extent of Satan’s brutal attack on Him. Jesus was tempted at all points, even as we are, yet without sin because He was alert, consistent, obedient, even unto death, and disciplined! And the breakthroughs in our life come through the characteristics of Jesus Christ Himself working in our lives through dedication in prayer and in faithfulness to stand on His Word in faith, and then ACT on those promises.

The world’s system is crumbling under the deceptive control of demonic spirits. The very government of this world system is corrupt and is being led by a thief; Satan himself controls the kingdoms of the world. He is the prince of the power of the air, and he is the ruler over the evil powers and principalities of the darkness of the world. He rules over the world system, and he designed it to crumble. Now, he does rule over the world’s system, but he is NOT in control of the world because the world does not belong to him. God has not given him the power or the authority to exercise dominion over it.

As prince of this world, Satan does not have dominion or control over the believer! We have, in fact, been delivered out from under Satan’s power and dominion of darkness and we have been born again INTO the Kingdom of God. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He turned all of that authority and dominion in this earth over to us…. “All authority has been given unto Me….now YOU GO in My Name….”. We are part of God’s Kingdom, and that Kingdom is not of this world. The entire system on the earth has been established on a foundation that God did not build. Satan cannot create anything, and he cannot think of anything new, so he took God’s plan and he perverted it. He did this so he could manipulate people and cause them to have no relationship with the Father, or even have a revelation of His Kingdom. He works through people who are blinded from the Truth, and uses them to build his own kingdom. And as the prince of the air, Satan is behind a system that controls the economics and the finances of this world. He controls all of the man-made religions, and the political processes on the earth. But we have the Kingdom of God inside of us, and we are to rule over everything that Satan has established.

The Kingdom of God HAS come, and that Kingdom is inside of you. We are to bring the principles of God’s Kingdom to the world. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and the Philippians. As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States; 396 are in TEXAS, and the remainder is in other Nations throughout the world.

Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. We have a brand new feature that will be up and running, prayerfully, by the end of January…..a 24 hour a day Internet radio that will broadcast teachings and Christian music that are prevalent to the hour we live in; that will uplift and encourage you.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “The Kingdom”for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the singe CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

News Flash! We’re moving to a new location at the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Allen, TX. The address is 1220 N. Central Expwy. We will still be able to stream the audio on Sunday mornings according to the management staff there. Praise the Lord! Tell someone to listen in or invite someone to join us for fellowship and service.

November/December 2010 Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

I would like to begin this letter by thanking you for your prayers and for your kind notes this past month. Pastor Rick is recovering nicely and we are giving all of the praise and glory for his full restoration to our Heavenly Father.

It seems that the season of fall, which is truly one of my favorite times of year, came and went before I had the chance to really enjoy the beautiful landscape and the crisp frosty mornings. There were so many things that needed my attention in the ministry, and then my husband had emergency heart surgery just two weeks ago. Fall is the season of reflection and it’s a time to gain a new perspective and take the time to evaluate what we accomplished the past year, establish the goals that we want to reach, and remind ourselves of all the things that God has provided for us. Thanksgiving is a reminder that God has always been faithful. For me, this has always been a time of quiet reflection on the past and a time to focus on the solid and simple things of life that we take for granted. Like our health and the very fact that Jesus HAS redeemed us and delivered us from the entire curse; that “By His stripes we ARE healed”! It’s time for you and me to usher in the sincere spirit of gratitude and praise to our Heavenly Father and what He provided through the gift of His Son.

We’re doing a study of the Last Days events in our church, and one of the things that we have to understand is that we have been sent here from another government to do diplomatic business on behalf of our King. We are here to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth as Ambassadors for God.

In the Book of Matthew chapter 6 and verse 33, it says: “But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all HIS Kingdom and His righteousness, and His way of doing and being right, and THEN all these things taken together will be given to you besides.”(Amplified Bible) One of the strongest attacks of the enemy comes in the area of worry. Both real and imagined worries attack our minds daily as the pressures and stress of these end times press in from every side to try to discourage and defeat us. But Jesus commands us to put worry aside, and He encourages us that we SEE that our heavenly Father has faithfully provided for every need that we have. He assures us that the Father knows what we need even before we ask, so there’s no reason to be concerned. And He goes on to explain to us that there is a higher purpose in seeking those things that are above then just filling our own needs. It will release the blessings of God into our life, and bring us the answers that we need to every situation and problem we face. That’s God’s supernatural intervention on our behalf, and when we do it this way, then our needs will be His Righteousness, and that’s when all these things that you need in life shall be added unto you.”

The Kingdom of God is another reality. It is the very rule and reign of God; it is the government and the system of God, and Jesus told us to pray to the Father, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God throughout the gospels, and He told us that the Kingdom of God is within us. Luke 17:20-21, “And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said: “the Kingdom of God comes NOT with observation; neither shall they say, look here or look there, for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

The Kingdom of God is not some distant place in heaven where we are going “someday”. Jesus said in Luke 10:8-9, “….whatever city you enter…heal the sick that are there and say unto them, “The Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.” In other words, we are bringing the Kingdom with us. But, we’re not here to take sides; we are here to take over.

In the Book of Daniel chapter 2, we see where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, and that dream really disturbed him. Now, he couldn’t remember his dream and he called for all of the magicians and soothsayers, the wizards, and so forth, to come in and tell him what his dream was, and what it meant. But they couldn’t do that…..Verse 12-13, “For this cause the King was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all of the wise men of Babylon……” In other words, it didn’t look good for the men of Babylon, including Daniel and his three friends. But Daniel approached the throne and said, “I can get the answer from God…for I know that My God knows what to do, and He knows the dream that the King had.” Well, Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel some time to seek God, and the Lord revealed to Daniel in a night vision what the dream was and what it meant. In essence, there was a statue in his dream that had a head of gold, arms and chest of silver, the belly and thighs were brass, the legs were of iron, and the feet were part clay and part iron. It represented the different Kingdoms and the different ruler ships in the world. And in that same dream he saw a stone that was cut out without hands, and that stone came and destroyed the statue and broke it to pieces, which became like dust, or chaff in the wind. The stone became a great mountain that came up and filled the entire earth. And the interpretation of that dream is that those different kingdoms and ruler ships of the world become the Kingdom of God. And all of this was prophesized in the Book of Revelation and also in the Book of Isaiah…that God’s Kingdom shall spread throughout the earth. Jesus came to bring the government of God back into the earth to rule over everything. And Daniel’s prophetic vision makes it clear that the Kingdom of God has come to take over the Kingdoms of the world. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we are to move forward IN Christ as the stone who increased into a mountain and covered the whole earth. As born again believers, we are ambassadors for God in the earth. We are the church, and the Kingdom of God is IN us. We are to go out into the world and bring the Kingdom of God to those in need of healing and deliverance and salvation. That’s our assignment, and that’s the reason we are to become separate from the world and walk holy before Him.

The gospel of the Kingdom is the gospel that unhooks you and separates you from the world’s system. I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Poland, and Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and Canada.
As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States each week as we stream our services live, and 321 in Nations throughout the world.

Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. The NEW website IS UP and RUNNING! Soon we will have Video streaming.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live Audio” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “Knowing Your Covenant” for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the singe CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.