Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings.

Click on the "Listen Live" button on our website for audio only or the "Live Video Streaming" button if you prefer live video.

Friday, October 8, 2010

September 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

We are living in the last days and in this End Time Harvest God is going to have a people of war. People who are holy and totally committed to Him, and empowered with His strength deep in their inner man. We have entered into a very dynamic, volatile, crucial period of time where apostasy is festering deep in the hearts of many Christians, causing them to become lukewarm and uncommitted. But on the other hand, God has loosed a great revival of His Spirit into the hearts of those who are willing to be totally His.

The Father doesn’t want us to be conformed to this world; He doesn’t want us to act or talk or even think like the world, but to be changed and transformed to His Will. Romans 12:1 & 2, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, and BE NOT conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” We cannot afford to think and live like this world. We have to get our mind renewed with the Word of God. To think, talk, and believe in line with His Word, and then act on it.

The whole world is programmed to believe negatively, and if you are not diligently spending time in the Word of God, you will make the same mistakes the world makes. The world without God is in spiritual death. They are programmed to death and not life, because the world is following after sin, all the way to death, which is a separation from God, and all the way to Hell. And certain things will only change in our life by the renewing of our mind. To those who are unsaved we say, “Be born again”, but to those who have received the New Birth we say, “renew your mind”.

We are a three part being; we are a spirit, we have a soul where our mind, our will, and our emotions are located, and we live in a physical body. When you received the new birth, the only part of you that was affected by the born again experience is your spirit man. But your soul remains the same; you have the same way of thinking, and your physical body will continue to do what it’s told to do. It’s not enough to have a successful life on this earth just to receive your Salvation through the New Birth. That just gets you into heaven and gets your name in the Lamb’s Book. But to be a successful Christian in this world you’re going to have to renew your mind. You cannot have progress or success as a Christian if you don’t renew your mind. And the problem with most people is they think that by receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior, all of their problems are solved. They have the mistaken idea that because of the new birth everything else will fall into place. That’s not how it happens, because we all know Christians who are still living defeated lives. They are not successful in the promises of the Word, and they are not making any progress as a Christian.

Romans 8:5, “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” The flesh is a way of thinking that goes against God’s Word. And notice, Paul tells us that those who are after the flesh, MIND those things. They set their MIND on the things of the world and the dictates of this world’s system. They’re demonstrating by their lifestyle that they are IN THE FLESH and their very actions and the words they speak are set on the things of the flesh. So the question is, why do Christians end up serving the flesh? Why do Christians end up abusing other people, or end up on drugs, or cheating, or lying and getting involved in perversion? It’s because they don’t know what they’re doing is wrong. They haven’t renewed their minds to the Word of God. And if you don’t renew your mind to the Word of God, you are going to do whatever it is you have set your mind to do. You’ll have sex outside of marriage and get involved in perversion. You’ll lie and cheat and have addictive behavior because your mind hasn’t been set on God’s Word.

And friends, you have to set your mind ON PURPOSE. The same way you set your alarm clock on purpose. If you want to know why you’re doing certain things, it’s because that’s what you set your mind to do. If you end up doing certain things that are contrary to God’s will for your life, it’s because you set your mind to do those things. You don’t just have a bag of pot in your hand and say, “Golly, how did this get here? Who put it in my hand?” Your mind is set to do those things.

So obviously, for you to change the actions in your life, you have to back up and say, “What am I thinking?” And just like the prodigal son, you have to “awaken to your true condition.” You have to come to your right mind and the right way of thinking. Without renewing your mind to His Word, you will not live a spiritual life that lines up with God’s Word. The Father wants us to have a lifestyle that lines up with His Word and puts the Love of God on the line in every situation that you are faced with. And renewing your mind is not a one-time event. It is a lifetime process.

Christianity is not just spiritual. Spiritual intelligence is required for progress and success in the things of God. You must become an intellectual, not according to the knowledge of the world, but being an intellectual as far as the Word of God is concerned. Your intellect must be impacted by the Word of God, and you must be in the process all the time of renewing your mind to this Word, and then ACTING on what you have learned, or success will not be possible. And God has outlined for you and for me everything we need to know to walk in His blessing. He’s outlined for us how to walk in Love, how to walk in peace and joy, how to stay free from offense, and how to receive whatever we desire when we pray as it lines up in His Word.

If you want things to change in your life, you absolutely must renew your thinking to come into agreement and alignment with God’s Word.

I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, and Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Poland, and Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, Uganda, and Canada.

As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States each week as we stream our services live, and 321 in Nations throughout the world.

Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. The NEW website IS UP and RUNNING! Soon we will have Video streaming.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Click on the “Listen Live” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

• I would like to receive the complete series on “Knowing Your Covenant” for a love offering of $25.00.
• I would like to receive the singe CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August, 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

As I sat before the Father, seeking what He wanted to bring to you from His Word, I had so many scriptures that kept coming before me. He wants you free! He wants you to walk in that overcoming victory that belongs to you because of the covenant you have with Him.

Ephesians 2:8-12 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands— that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.”

If you have made Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior, you are no longer a Gentile. The word Gentile means: people who don’t know God and people who are without a covenant and without hope in this world.

Now, we WERE Gentiles, but if you have made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, you are no longer a Gentile. We are the church! But we come from a Western mindset. I’m not talking about being a cowboy; I’m talking about our culture. We don’t think like Covenant people. We don’t have the mindset of the Eastern culture; or the Jewish people because of the fact that we have been raised in a Gentile environment for the most part.

The Covenant sacrifice of the Blood of Jesus took the Gentile believers who were far off from God and joined them together with the Jewish race in the New Covenant. When we made Jesus our Lord, we were GRAFTED in, to enjoy the covenants of promise through the New Covenant, and were included as HEIRS of all of God’s promises.

So why then isn’t the body of Christ, as a whole, seeing more of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit? Why aren’t we seeing more miracles? The Father showed me that the reason most Christians don’t experience this awesome manifestation is due to a lack of understanding concerning our rights and privileges. A lack of understanding the Bible, and all that belongs to us because of what Jesus did for us at Calvary.

The Book of Hebrews promises us that we have a better Covenant with better promises because of what Jesus did for us at Calvary. In order to understand how much better these promises are we must know and understand what the Old Covenant promises were. In Deuteronomy 28 we find very specific promises that God made to Abram and his seed; promises of health and well-being, blessing, prosperity, and victory.

These were very awesome promises, and it was hard for Abram to believe God actually wanted to do these things for him, however, in the Book of Genesis chapter 15, we read how God mad a blood agreement with him in order to convince Abram once and for all that He meant what He said.

Abram understood what a covenant was and how to prepare to enter into a covenant. He knew that a blood covenant signified an absolute and unbreakable guarantee of someone’s word. Nothing short of a blood agreement could have convinced him of God’s desire to bless him. By cutting this covenant with Abram, God established a love relationship with him that could never be broken without the penalty of death.

When two families made covenant together they gave to one another everything they had, and all they represented. They were no longer two, but one. Families bound themselves together in blood agreements in order to fill in the gaps that were created by each other’s weaknesses and needs. Together they were both strong.

In Genesis chapter 17 we learn that the circumcision of the flesh was to be a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham. Those who failed to obey and remained uncircumcised were guilty of breaking the covenant and were considered outcasts. When God laid out the terms of the covenant blessings, He laid out the terms of the Covenant that Abraham was to keep. The major requirement and condition God spoke to Abraham and his seed for them to inherit the covenant blessings was obedience.

The circumcision of the flesh in the Old Covenant is a foreshadowing of the circumcision which takes place in the heart and spirit of the seed of Abraham under the New Covenant. And by making covenant with Abram, God proved that He wanted to exchange His strength, His weapons, and His authority with Abram, and He proved that He wanted to bless him for a thousand generations.

Romans 4:21 tells us that Abram truly got the message. He became “fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was well able to perform”, and his life was never the same again. Even his named changed to Abraham, which means, “father of many nations.”

And while God was binding Himself to Abraham on earth, He was also making that same covenant with Jesus in heaven. Galatians 3, “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith NOT, and to seeds as of many; but as of ONE, and to THY SEED, which is Christ.” Abraham was the earthly representative and Jesus was the heavenly representative. That covenant was not only between God and Abraham, but between God and Jesus. And by making covenant with Jesus, His only begotten Son, God was making covenant with someone He KNEW would never break any of it and thereby, He was able to remove the need for a curse.

So, how does this apply to you and me? Galatians 3:29 is the binding tie: “IF you be Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” We are the unborn generations who looked on as God cut that covenant with Abram as the father of our covenant of faith. And Romans 8:17 calls us “joint heirs” with Christ. Through the New Covenant, God has promised to care for you and me the same way He loves and cares for Jesus. And our Covenant is better than the old. Even though you and I have been guilty of breaking the terms of our Covenant, we have been freed from the penalty.

Jesus Christ is our sacrificial lamb, and He established our covenant with God. His own blood was shed and we have a new and living way to approach God. The very blood of Jesus has made the way for you and me to have a covenant relationship with the Father. And our Covenant with God is a Covenant of peace. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”

I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to. If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Poland, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, and Uganda.

As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States each week as we stream our services live, and 321 in Nations throughout the world.

Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. The NEW website IS UP and RUNNING! Soon we will have video streaming.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Be sure to click on the “Listen Live” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “Blog” at

I would like to receive the complete series on “Knowing Your Covenant
for a love offering of $25.
I would like to receive a single CD on “How To Survive In Tough Times” for a love offering of $7.00.

If you can’t afford to make a love offering at this time, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

The Word tells us: “If two of you shall agree as touching anything on earth, it will be agreed in heaven.” Please have your prayer team join me in the prayer of faith for:

Name: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City, ST & Zip Code: _____________________________________________

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summer Newsletter

Dear friend in Christ,

On July 4, 2010 we celebrated the birth of our nation. Independence Day! Many of us celebrate this holiday with picnics and family gatherings, and then close this day with a display of fireworks. But do we remember WHY we celebrate this National Holiday?

As I sat before the Father, He put me in remembrance of the fact that this nation was founded as a republic. When this nation was birthed, our founding fathers walked out of Constitution Hall and asked Benjamin Franklin “What do we have, a democracy or a republic?” And he answered them and said, “You have a republic…if YOU CAN KEEP IT.”

When I was a young girl in school, and even in High School, we started our day with the Pledge in honor of our flag and our nation, and we always had a moment of PRAYER. But we don’t say the “Pledge of Allegiance” anymore, anywhere, and we don’t have prayer in school. Just a “moment” of silence.

As I sat at my computer I began to recite the words to that pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

And as I sat there, deep in thought, the Lord began to show me how those men drew up the Constitution of the United States, which are the Laws of this nation and they are based on the principles found in His Word. It is the Hallmark of our Independence.

America is a republic! At least, that’s what it was set up to be. And yet most people mistakenly think that it was meant to be a democracy! But it’s not. It’s slowly becoming one because as Christians we’ve allowed that to happen. We’ve been complacent concerning the things of God.

The difference between a republic and a democracy is that a republic is ruled by LAW and not by people. A democracy is rule by a majority of the people. And in a democracy, all it takes is to have the wrong majority of people rule and you’ve got lots of trouble.

Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule the people mourn.” When the righteous rule—even the sinners rejoice, but Proverbs 14:34 tells us, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to many people.”

America was created to be a nation that is governed by Law, and those who are elected and appointed to positions of authority are expected to follow that law. And that law is the “Constitution of the United States.” The danger is this: when the people of a republic cease to be a people of principle, they stop following the Law, and as a result, the republic can be lost. America faces that very danger today!

America was once a nation of people who built their lives on God Almighty and His principles, but as we have ceased to be a people of principle, and as the church itself has ceased to be established on God’s uncompromised Word, we have in effect, tied God’s hands so that He can not bring to pass in our own lives, and in this nation, all that He has promised.

Fifty-two of the fifty-five signers of the Declaration of Independence were orthodox, deeply committed Christians. The three others believed IN the Bible as the Divine Word of Truth, and in God Almighty, and in His personal intervention. America was not founded on religion, but based on the doctrine of the Bible and Jesus Christ. In The Book of Isaiah 33:22 we find the foundational principle for our country, “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King, He will save us. The Constitution of the United States is a tremendous document, a Holy Spirit anointed document in its original form.

Patrick Henry wrote: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by RELIGIONISTS, but by Christians; NOT ON RELIGION, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here.”

Consider these words from George Washington in his farewell speech, September 19, 1796: “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are indispensable supporters. Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience BOTH forbid us to expect that our national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

It is absolutely appalling to have Satan parade his works before us in this nation through men and women who have obviously followed the corrupt ways of this world and openly made the decision to sin against God and this nation, and their own families.

Today we are asking God to bless America, but how can He bless a nation that has departed so far from Him?

1 Timothy 2:1-3 says, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

In Proverbs 21:1 we find that “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

God assures us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

If we as believers want all of God’s blessings in our homes and in our nation, then we must begin by declaring God’s principles and then live by them! We need to do the one thing that God has commanded from His people, and that is to intercede and pray. We are to pray for those in authority, and we are to pray in line with God’s Will.

I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to.

If you don’t know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can send me a personal note, or you can email me at, and I will personally write you back and pray with you.



P.S. I want to thank my Internet listening congregation located in the United States, France, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, the Republic of Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom, Africa, Poland, Australia, Kenya, Zambia, India, and Uganda.

As you sow your financial seed this month, know that you are a part of reaching the Nations for Christ as partners with this ministry, and sow it from that place of victory as an overcomer and one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and has taken care of all of your needs. We have over 511 connections in the United States each week as we stream our services live, and 321 in Nations throughout the world. Pass along our website to your friends and loved ones. The new website is now up and running, please be patient as we work out any remaining kinks you may encounter.

Join us live at at 10:30 a.m. (CST) on Sunday mornings. Be sure to click on the “Listen Live” button on our website. You can also contact us via our “blog” at

I would like to receive a “free” CD on “The Eagle”
I would like to receive the complete series on “Established in Faith”
for a love offering of $25.

If you can’t afford $25, please contact our ministry. It’s important that we get the Word of God into your hands, and the Lord will provide for our needs according to His riches in glory! Please allow 15 business days for delivery.

The Word tells us: “If two of you shall agree as touching anything on earth, it will be agreed in heaven.” Please have your prayer team join me in the prayer of faith for:

Name: _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City, ST & Zip Code: _____________________________________________

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


JULY 18, 2010

Multimedia Evangelist, Prophet, Radio Host of "Knowing Your Covenant"
Pastor Paula Hewell

Will hold a Holy Ghost Revival
Sunday, July 18, 2010
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Build a Foundation Church
4634 CR 617
Alvarado, Texas 76009
If you are in need of healing or a miracle in your life,
or you know someone who does .......
Come expecting God to Confirm His Word
With signs following!

Pre-register Today!
Admission is FREE.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010



JUNE 26, 2010

Multimedia Evangelist, Prophet, Radio Host of "Knowing Your Covenant"
Pastor Paula Hewell

Will hold a Holy Ghost Revival
Saturday, June 26, 2010
9:00 a.m. - Noon
Newman Park Christian Center
7922 Fairport Road
Dallas, Texas 75217

If you are in need of healing or a miracle in your life,
or you know someone who does .......
Come expecting God to Confirm His Word
With signs following!

Pre-register Today!
Admission is FREE.
Registration for a free lunch is required

May 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

Praise the Lord! This IS the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! I am so thankful that we have been set free by the Blood of the Lamb, and that we have freedom in this nation! Sometimes we take our freedom for granted. Our freedom both in the natural realm, and our freedom in the spiritual realm. This Monday, May 31, we will be celebrating Memorial Day. There will be parades and picnics; people will visit the cemeteries and memorials, and there will be a national moment of "remembrance" that takes place. Our flag will fly at half-staff from dawn until noon.

My dad was in the United States Army and served our country in World War II, and my own husband served in the United States Air Force for 26 years! So I know what it's like to have a military background and I am truly proud to be an American and to enjoy the freedom we have because of the men and women who serve to protect this country!

Something the Father wants us to realize is that we are all faced with times of battle in our own lives. So many people today are caught up in the struggle of simply trying to survive all of the obstacles and opposition that life brings them. But we were never designed by God to be defeated. God's original design for all of us was to be victorious and to triumph and live above those things. The Word tells us in 1 John 1:5 that we are over comers. In fact, it says, "And this is the victory that overcomes the world...even our faith."

The most important battles that you and I face everyday are the spiritual battles. The battle to escape our sinful nature; the battle to triumph over Satan; the battle to enter into that place of victory and rest that God has designed for all of us. But we can't win these battles on our own.

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus won the victory FOR us so we can live in that victory today. He completely defeated Satan and delivered us out of the dominion of darkness. 2 Corinthians 2:14 boldly declares that God always leads his people in victory! He has a plan for each of us to have victory over every challenge and pressure that we will ever face.

God has placed His very Own Spirit within us, and He has given us the POWER to walk in obedience and keep His commandments. As we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and we are controlled and guided BY Him, we are then able to obey God and His Word and we will walk in that overcoming power.

But knowing the location of the real battle we face with the enemy is vitally important. We have to realize that the greatest battlefield we have is in our mind. The war is either won or lost in our mind! There's really only one place that Satan can attack people, whether they are Christians or have never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and that one place is the battlefield of their mind.

In the Book of Ephesians chapter 6, and beginning with verse 10 through 17, we find the powerful weapons that God fashioned for you and I to wear, that will not only protect us from the enemy, but they will also enable us to be perfected and fully equipped to serve God. And as we look closely at each piece of this Armor, we can see that each one describes the attributes of Christ.

1. The "girdle of truth"; Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life..."
2. The "breastplate of righteousness", Jesus IS righteous; He has become our righteousness.
3. The "preparation of the Gospel of peace"; Jesus ushered in the Kingdom by preaching the
4. The "shield of faith"; He is the author and finisher of our faith.
5. The "helmet of salvation"; as the promised Messiah, He HAS on the helmet of salvation.
6. The "Sword of the Spirit"; the Word of God IS Jesus; He is the Living Word of God. And
He IS that two-edged sword when we speak His Word out of our own mouth in faith.

We cannot depend on our own strength and our own intellect. God never intended for you and I to face those problems and pressures in our own limited understanding and strength. He planned and purposed for you and I to face everything in His unlimited and unsurpassed power. We have everything we need to win this war! We are fighting a defeated foe and we have the full armor of God, which includes the Word, which is the Sword of the Spirit. We have the mighty name of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit Who lives inside of us to operate that "dunamis" power through us as we allow Him to work.

As that end time spiritual warrior, you have to pick up that sword and allow the Holy Spirit to cut away all of the sin and the dead works in your own life, and begin to cut to shreds everything the enemy tries to use against you. Begin to walk in the demonstration of the power you know you have over sin, the flesh, and the devil! By faith you have an everlasting Covenant with God, and He has sealed that Covenant with an oath! He promised us in Psalm 89:34, "My Covenant will I not break..." And, He has given us the Guarantee that He will do absolutely everything that He promised to do in us and for us. Jesus Christ has become the "surety" of a better Covenant. He stands as a surety for God, that He will do all that He promised in the Covenant. And He stands as a surety for us with God that we will keep our Covenant with Him.

I pray God's blessing upon your lives and all that you put your hands to.



April 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

2 Corinthians 4:3-4, "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost; in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe NOT, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (KJV)

Satan is an imposter! The dictionary defines an imposter as "one who assumes an identity or title that is not his own for the purpose of deception." Satan is the Arch Deceiver, and Jesus described his true character and nature when He called him, "the father of lies..." in John 8:44, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies." And the scripture in
2 Corinthians 4 tells us very clearly that as the god of this world, he has blinded the minds of those who don't believe the Word. Satan uses deception to defeat Christians and pervert the Truth, and the weapon he uses against the children of God is the very weapon the Father has given to us to defeat Satan! He uses the Word of God.

In the Garden of Eden, Satan used the Word against Eve. He deceived her into thinking that God's Word was a lie and caused her to doubt what God had spoken to them. But you and I have the Holy Spirit living in our spirit man; the Spirit of Truth Who leads and guides us into all truth and leads us in paths of righteousness. We are told to transform our minds by the renewing of our mind with the Word of God so that "we can prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God."(Romans 12:2)

This scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:3 calls Satan the god of this world. Not because he is a god, but because people follow him like he is. He wants to keep us in the dark, and gross darkness covers the earth where the things of God are concerned. The people in the world cannot receive the things of the Spirit because the Bible tells that they are "spiritually" discerned and hidden to "natural man".

Friend, you cannot be in faith and be depressed at the same time. It is impossible. When you are IN faith, you're not looking at the circumstances around you that will depress you. With faith, you are able to look at the eternal realm. Jesus told us that "all things are possible to them that believe." But faith does not ignore the problem or pretend that it doesn't exist. Faith recognizes the problem and then presents it to God, acknowledging Him in the face of the circumstance and then declaring that His Word and His Truth and His promises are greater than any circumstance.

Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see, and the conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as REAL fact what is not revealed to the senses)." (AMP) This tells us that faith is the "title deed" of what we have asked for. In other words, we are holding onto "nothing" until the manifestation takes place, with the "guarantee" that we already have it.

Proverbs 3:5-6, "Lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." In other words, we are to put our trust and our confidence in God, and not in our own ability and natural strength. Jesus has already paid the price in full for everything you need. All you have to do is get the Word down in your spirit man, in abundance, and then begin to confess that Word out of your mouth. We don't have to talk Jesus into doing anything else! The answer to all of our needs is having the Word of God in our heart and in our mouth, and take for our self what He has already provided. But it has to be more than just speaking words; it has to be a living reality in your life.

Faith has to be in two places; it has to be in your mouth and in your heart according to Romans chapter 10:8, "But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth and in thy heart; that is, the Word of Faith, which we preach.", and in Deuteronomy 30:14, "But the Word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it." (KJV) And if you were to read both scriptures in detail you would find they go on to say that the Word, which is Christ, is not far off. It (He) is not in heaven nor is it (He) in the abyss (sea), but it (He) is very near your mouth, and in your heart.

That means that everyone can take the Word of God and receive whatever they need. God has already established it and agreed to it. And that means we don't have to talk God into doing anything for us if we can find it in His Word. So, why would anyone do without? Only because they're lazy! Only because they couldn't be persuaded to believe what God has promised. Having an unteachable spirit is the same as walking in unbelief and doubt; it's also the same as walking in stubbornness and pride, arrogance, and rebellion. And those things, the Bible tells us are like "unto witchcraft." As a born again Christian, the only reason to do without in any area of life is because we refuse to honor God and trust His Word, because His Word will produce in our life anything He tells us.

Under the Old Covenant, God required 100 percent obedience, and he gave Israel a choice to obey Him and reap His blessing, or to walk in disobedience and reap the curses. But the enemy has deceived Christians into thinking that God no longer requires the same obedience. DO NOT BE DECEIVED! God has never changed! Without obedience to God, there can be no covenant relationship with Him. Disobedience breaks our fellowship with God. Jesus said, "If you abide in My Word, and hold fast to My teachings, and live in accordance with them, you are truly My disciples." (TAB John 8:31)

You act on what Jesus told us and you keep putting the Word down in your heart until it's in there in abundance. Make deposits of the Word until it's in there more than anything else, and when it becomes abundant, that's when it will come out of your mouth; it is the overflow of what you have deposited.



Monday, June 14, 2010

March 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of what we have come to know as "holy week, and the Feast of Passover falls on Monday, March 29 this year. Traditionally Christians have understood that the festivals are exclusively Jewish feasts; however, the Book of Leviticus tells us very clearly that these are "festivals" of the Lord. so, in reality, God in His Divine wisdom, has instructed all of us that these feast days are for both the Jew and the Christian alike, and they are to be celebrated JOINTLY with each other - FOREVER!

If you have made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, then you are the seed of Abraham and you are included in these appointed times. But it's sad to realize that so many Christians, including ministers of the Gospel, have no idea of these "times" established by God. We need to have an understanding and appreciate the fact that these feasts are "appointed times" that have been given by God Himself, and it's very important that we understand the biblical calendar that He gave us.

There are two primary calendars in the Bible; the first one is called the "civil" calendar and it's used from Genesis 1:1 to Exodus, chapter 12. The second calendar in the Bible is the "religious" calendar, and it's used from Exodus 12 to the Book of Revelation chapter 22. God established the religious calendar in Exodus 12:2 when He said, "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you."

He gave the religious calendar so we could understand that these feasts are actually appointed times, and that they "foreshadow" important events in our redemption. These appointed times are the same "festivals" that the Lord speaks of in the Book of Leviticus 23:2, "...the feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations...". The Hebrew term translated as convocation in Leviticus is "miqra", which means: a rehearsal. So, you can see from this that God gave the festivals to be yearly "rehearsals" of the future events in the redemption of mankind.

There are two very important Hebrew words that appear in the Book of Leviticus, and each word is translated as "feast" in the English language. Leviticus 23:2, the word for feast is the Hebrew word "mo'ed", as it is written:"Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them concerning the feasts (the moe'd) of the Lord..." The word "mo'ed" means: an appointment; a fixed time or a fixed season; an appointed time. So God Himself is telling us that He has ordained a :"set time" or an exact time" when He has an appointment with all of humanity to fulfill certain events in the redemption. In fact, Yeshua came to the earth at the "exact" time that was ordained by God.

Our Heavenly Father gave these festivals for the purpose of teaching and instructing His people concerning the plan of redemption and our personal relationship with Him. In the Book of Luke chapter 22 we find Jesus celebrating the Passover feast with His own disciples. The day had come when the sacrificial lamb was to be killed and He sent Peter and John to make preparation for them to celebrate that "appointed" time together. And as they were seated around the table, Jesus KNOWING that in a few hours HE would suffer and die, told them, "I have earnestly and intensely desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I say to you, I shall eat it no more until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God."

Passover is an ancient feast and one that spans some thirty-five centuries of human existence, and it carries a very powerful message for you and me today. It forms the primary background for understanding the events in that Upper Room, the symbolism of the Lord's Table, and the meaning of the Messiah's death. There in that upper room, as He was preparing to lay down His own life; to give Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world and to shed His own blood, He celebrated a covenant meal with His disciples which marked the ending of the Old Covenant and the establishing of a new and better Covenant. This was the hour that God had ordained from the foundation of the world! This was the day when He would enter into a blood covenant relationship with men, which was sealed with the blood of His only begotten Son. This was the day when the ONE perfect sacrifice would be offered on the alter of Almighty God.

The Feast of Passover was given by God to be a rehearsal of the first coming of Yeshua, and this ceremony is observed in remembrance of the PAST, but it is also in preparation for the future. The redemption of God's people from Egypt is a type and foreshadow of the redemption of Christ. Jesus is our Lamb that was slain. And we are to appropriate and apply the Blood of Jesus in our lives, and as we place that blood over our lives, the Father sees that blood covering and the angel of death and destruction passes over us.

We've been taught that the Feast days of the Lord are only for the Jewish people, but they are Holy Convocations that God Himself has ordained. And it's just like receiving a "summons" to go to court. This is a summons to appear before Him. God has prepared a feast of redemption and joy to which everyone is invited. Come and partake of Jesus, the bread of life, the Lamb of God, the Mediator Who has taken our judgement upon Himself.

Come to the feast of the Lamb! Jesus, our Messiah, paid a terrible price that we might belong to God in Love, and He constantly invites us to come to Him. His invitation is an honor bestowed in Love, but it is also the offer of an opportunity that we dare not refuse. You are the guest to be honored by accepting His offer of abundant life in Christ Jesus.



February 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

On February 14 we celebrated Valentine's Day. It's the day that has customarily been set aside to express our love for that "special" someone in our lives. We hear a lot about love, but the truth is, very few people really know what love is. For most, it's an emotional phantom that appears, then vanishes without warning. It seems to be illusive, indefinable, forever sought after, but rarely ever found. And even believers seem to be confused about love. People talk about "falling in and out of love", but that's an emotional response. Love is not a feeling, and a feeling is not the evidence of love. Love is a person; the Bible tells us in 1 John 4:8 that "God is Love." And in John 3:16 we read, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." That's the greatest act of Love anyone could give. The Father gave because of His unsurpassing love for you and for me. And His love was translated into giving His highest and most treasured possession. He didn't send one of His angels, He gave of Himself; His ONLY begotten Son.

God IS Love and He wants us to know and understand that absolutely NOTHING can ever separate us from Him. No tribulation or trial, or sickness and disease, not lack or poverty, or a bad marriage, or even faced with life in prison. Nothing can ever separate us from the Love of the Father. The scripture in 1 John 4:8 does not say that God HAS love; it says that He IS love. And that is the key to all Bible revelation. It takes an understanding of God to walk with Him and to walk in His great commandment of love.

In the Book of Ephesians, chapter 3 and verse 18, the apostle Paul prayed that we "may be able to comprehend with all the saints, what is the breadth and length, and depth and height; and to KNOW the Love of Christ." We have the ability to KNOW the very Love of Christ, and that can't be anybody but God, because God IS love PERSONIFIED.

Love has to be our first and greatest quest in life. It must be the very center of our time and our thinking because God has given us the commandment to love. And because He has commanded us to walk in that Love, He sent Himself in the Person of the Holy Spirit to live on the inside of our spirit man to help us.

Love is a law of heaven and a law of earth. In fact, the apostle James calls this the "royal law of love." This is the commandment of the Church from our Heavenly Father that we love one another. 1 John 3:23, "This is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son, Jesus, and love one another as He gave the commandment." This is our primary calling in life, and the key issue to everything we face.

In the Book of Matthew, chapter 22:36-40, we can find exactly what Jesus told us about this commandment when He answered the young lawyer who had asked Him, "Master, which is the great commandment of the law? And Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment, and the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all of the law and the prophets." So this tells us that all of the Torah, which is the first five books of the Bible, and all of the Prophets, and that includes the New Testament because the New Testament was prophesied into existence, and Jesus is a part of that prophetic utterance. (The Prophet spoke and the Word took upon itself FLESH, and He dwelt among us). So, all of the Law and all of the Prophets hang on these two commandments, and the way Jesus put it and the way He taught it, He went into great detail, and these two commandments are rolled into one. They are in the proper order. We are to love God with our entire being, and we are to love our neighbor as we love our self.

That's the way He gave the commandment, and that's the very process that we are to walk in, and as we walk in this commandment, it will keep us in a place before the Father where we are holy and blameless in His eyes.

God tells us that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments, and He's not only given us the definition of Love, He has also given us the instructions so that we can know HOW to love as He loves. 1 Corinthians 13 describes the behavior of love, "Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy; it is not boastful or vainglorious, and does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited, arrogant and inflated with pride; it is not rude and unmannerly, and does not act unbecomingly. LOVE, God's love in us does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it, and pays no attention to a suffered wrong. It does not rejoice at injustices and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. Love bears up under anything and everything that comes; it is ever ready to believe the best of every person; its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and it endures everything without weakening. Love never fails, never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end." Does this describe you love walk?

If you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you've already taken the first step of obedience. The very love of God has been born within you, but unless you take action, that love will remain hidden inside of you. Like faith, love becomes active through the knowledge of His Word. And that's exactly why Paul said, "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement." The love of God is released in your life by acting on the knowledge of God's Word, and without revelation knowledge, followed by action, that love lies undeveloped, and selfishness continues to reign supreme in our lives, even though we are a new creature in Christ.

1 John 2:5-6, "But whoever keeps His Word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. And by this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked." In other words, as you ACT on the Word of God, the love of God will be perfected in you, and that's when love will begin to flow from you to others.



January 2010

Dear friend in Christ,

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

A few days ago the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to my heart very clearly about the goodness of God, even in the midst of tribulation and trouble. He is always there, and you can trust Him with your life. We're living in an hour that the Bible describes as "perilous times". 2Timothy 3:1, "But know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come..." The Strong's concordance describes "perilous" as: harsh, savage, difficult, dangerous, painful, fierce, grievous, and hard to deal with. And I believe that most of us can agree that this certainly describes the economy and the moral status of the entire world. We hear about wars and rumors of wars, and nations rising up against nations, and about great famines, pestilence and earthquakes happening all over the world.

Matthew 24:6-7 tells us, "And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you NOT be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilence, and earthquakes in divers places." Just look at how the earthquake in Haiti has caused such a tremendous crisis and time of grief in the lives of all those precious people.

So many people are facing times of trouble in their personal lives. But God is still on His Throne and He has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He told us in the Book of Matthew "not to worry about tomorrow... sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Time after time, the Bible talks about God's goodness, and Psalm 145:9 sums it up this way: "The Lord is GOOD to all." Now, you might think, "I've always heard this." Many people believe that God is good, but head knowledge alone doesn't affect their daily lives. It takes more than just knowing His Word to change the circumstances in your life. It takes a revelation from the Word of God. Revelation is a truth that becomes so real to you as the Holy Spirit shines light on His Word, that it becomes a part of your personal life. It's not something you hear and forget. It's something that you act on, and it's that knowledge that is acted on that brings results.

Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 6 NOT to worry. One of Satan's greatest weapons is to bring worry to our minds. Both real and imagined worries attack our minds daily as the pressures and the stresses of these end times press in from every side in an attempt to discourage and defeat us. But Jesus commands us to put aside worry. He pleads with us to see that our Father has faithfully provided for all of our needs. And He assures us that our Heavenly Father KNOWS what we need even before we ask, so there is no reason for us to worry.

2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us: "Cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." That means we are to take those thoughts that come into our heads and line them up with the Word of God. Do those thoughts agree with what God has to say about whatever it is you are dealing with? If not, cast them down! I'd like to tell you that this is easy, but it's not. In this busy world it's easier to get our priorities out of order. We can become so caught up in the cares of daily life that we don't make time for God and His Kingdom. And as a result, the Word gets choked out by the cares and the distractions, and what Jesus called "thorns".

In Mark chapter 4:18-19, Jesus talks about the thorns choking out the Word. And among other things, "the cares and anxieties of the world...creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless."

It's easy to yield to worry. And that spirit of worry and fear can literally take over your life and stop the Word of God from producing any fruit. So don't feed on it. Worry is just meditating on the lies of the devil, or on the circumstances that you are facing in your own life.

So, how do you stop? You replace worry with faith in what the Word of God tells you. Run to the Word and feed on it day and night. Find scriptures that apply to you situation and keep them in front of your eyes; keep them going into your ear and your mouth until that truth gets into your heart. In other words, meditate on the Word of God. That's exactly what God told Joshua to do in Joshua 1:8, "...but you shall meditate therein day and night that you may observe to do according to ALL that is written therein; for THEN you shall make your way prosperous, and THEN you shall have good success."

Meditating on His Word is fixing your mind on what God has to say, and you will gain revelation and insight into His ways and the Holy Spirit will make it a reality in your heart. Carefully ponder how the Word of God applies to your own life and change your situation. You are placing yourself in agreement with what God has to say about you; seeing yourself as He sees you, and most importantly, you will then be seeking His Kingdom, instead of giving way to worry.

The revelation of God's goodness will help you receive from Him whatever you need. Perhaps you have not yet taken the first step of your journey of faith because you've never received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Maybe you've heard about Him, an you might even believe the things that you've heard as truth. If so, you are not alone. Many people, even good churchgoing people are in the same condition right now. They know ABOUT Him, but they don't have a living relationship with Him.

If you don't know the Lord as your personal Savior, or you would like to have a deeper relationship with the Father, you can contact me through this blog and I will write you back and pray with you.

